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Tag Archives: payday lenders online

Save Money By Using A Payday Loan Lender to Make On Time Payments

When you pay your payday loan lenders on time, you definitely save money. The low cost payday loans are a cost effective way to get an advance on your upcoming paycheck when the payoff is made on the original due date. These payday loan lenders attach high interest rates onto their loans so extending them beyond one paycheck will cost you extra money. The remaining balance will be charged interest fees until it is paid in full. Many people get caught in debt traps when unpaid balances eat away at their paychecks. Payday … Continue reading

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Payday Loan Lenders Do Not Trap Like Credit Card Companies

Payday loan lenders may have high interest, but credit cards have many more pitfalls to trap you into debt. Both are convenient to use.  With a direct payday loan lender getting money deposited into your bank account is fast and a credit card fits nicely into your wallet to take with you everywhere you go. They both can help you salvage your bank account when your paycheck is still a few days away, with the credit card giving you continued usage over time. Spend the money, pay towards your debt and have more available balance to spend. It … Continue reading

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BBB Warns Against Bad Payday Loan Lender Practices

Payday loan lenders have had their battles with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), but even the BBB is now distinguishing between the good lenders and the bad. When payday loan lending started with stores setting up locations in poor areas, there were no regulations and many lenders had some really bad practices. The BBB gave all of them a bad rank, and to this date, it is not payday loan lender friendly. Yes there are still those lenders who are not following best practices, but the BBB has had its own share of negative reports. The … Continue reading

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Online Payday Loan Lenders Reaching Out to Educate Customers

We all should know by now that payday loan lenders will not be checking your credit history in order to approve you for a loan. It is well publicized, scrutinized and never compromised. It is the base of the high interest loan and drives customers to the internet for fast cash. During these times of economic hardships affecting many across America, the payday loan lender has become a more popular way to handle emergency payments. Even the banks and credit unions have caught on and now offer their own version of high interest short-term loans. It … Continue reading

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What Can A Payday Loan Lender Do For Your Finances?

Payday loan lenders provide a small money window of opportunity to those who have a buildup of bills than cannot wait until the next paycheck. It is available to those with bad credit or no credit giving them a fast out of what could be a sticky financial situation. The last thing a credit score needs is a bunch of bad reports which came out of a slew of unexpected payments in a short period of time. Your payday loan lender will provide fast cash upon approval. One of the top characteristics … Continue reading

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Need Help Paying Off The Payday Loan Lenders?

Times are tough and payday loan lenders are there to help with fast cash, but what happens when you need help paying off the online payday loan lenders? Sometimes there is no more room to cut costs and the pile of debt doesn’t need to get any bigger. Finding a way to bring extra income into the home can be overwhelming when time is limited as it is, but there are some fun different ways to go about finding some extra employment. Do you have any special skill around the … Continue reading

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Direct Payday Loan Lenders Are Creditors Who Will Collect

Direct payday loan lenders provide access to emergency cash when the demand falls before the next paycheck. Many Americans live paycheck to paycheck waiting desperately for the next payday to come. Those who receive tax refunds from the IRS and state governments wait eagerly for the arrival to help balance out some debt and bring relief to the need for additional cash. But what would happen if you lost your job and that next paycheck was your last or the government held back your tax return? Having no money is scary position to be in, but … Continue reading

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California Warning Against Predatory Payday Loan Lenders

Have you heard the warning against unlicensed payday loan lenders from the California Department of Corporations? It is one more group trying to spread the news that those predatory lenders who do not have legal lending rights in the state will be bad news for you and your finances. The consumer alert advises potential borrowers of the risks involved with using unlicensed lenders. Included in the warning was a Las Vegas lender named, TIOR Capital and the Folsom-based affiliate, TTG Services. The order from the state sanctions the company and managers from … Continue reading

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San Antonio Payday Loan Lenders Facing Possible Regulations

San Antonio, Texas payday loan lenders are facing possible regulations. Folks in San Antonio are lining up at City Hall showing support for the City Council’s proposed ordinance to regulate direct payday loan lenders and auto title lenders. The council would like to regulate the amount of a payday loan based on the applicant’s income and an auto title loan would be based on the lesser of annual income and percentage of the vehicle’s value. The regulations would also limit the number of installments on a loan and mandate that there … Continue reading

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Payoff Payday Loan Lenders And Other Small Bills First

When you find yourself needing to use online payday loan lenders in order to keep up with your bills each month, it is time to reevaluate your expenses. Creating a debt-reduction plan along with a new budget to support it is a good direction. In order to start this new plan, you will want to take advantage of your annual free credit report. All individuals are promised one free credit report every 12 months by the credit bureaus. This service is provided to people in order to help keep fraudulent matter off your report as well as keep … Continue reading

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