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Tag Archives: online cash advance

Trading Your Car In?

Are you ready to make that big leap and get a new car? What are you going to do with the old one? If you are going to be trading it in or selling it on your own, having it look in tip top condition will bring you higher bid for its value. Fair market price on vehicles go along with model, year and condition. Presentation is the first impression from its overall condition. A chef would tell you the same thing about food. How it looks when plated convinces … Continue reading

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Inspecting Packaging and Labels

We move in our food fraud series to discuss the frauds that take place in the alcohol business.  It was just a few weeks ago that there was a wine dealer from New York who was arrested for allegedly trying to sell  a counterfeit wine bottle as a rare bottle of wine. Most frauds with wine will buy you a cheaper vintage and be a waste of your money. The adulterated spirits tend to be more harmful. There have been reports of fake vodka that contained contaminants such as anti-freeze … Continue reading

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Spice Fraud

Spotya! Cash Advance brings you part 6 of the food fraud series which covers the topic of spices. One of he larger spice fraud opportunities is with expensive spices that are purchased in small amounts, such as saffron. Saffron gets used in such small doses that it is unlikely that an average person would know the difference. Other spices that are found in the top spices used in fraud are vanilla extract, Tumeric, star anise, paprika and chile powder. Some of the swaps can be dangerous. For example, Japanese star anise is toxic, and could … Continue reading

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Growing Seasons Reflects Products

Fruit juices will be covered in part 4 of this series. Believe it or not, fraudsters find it very easy to dilute juices without consumers noticing a change in taste or consistency. Both orange and apple juices have been found diluted with water; where as the more expensive juices, such as pomegranate,  is diluted with apple juice. Once again, you as the consumer need to be reading labels and ingredients closely. Buy products from a trusted brand when looking to get the latest in the fruit juice craze. One thing we here … Continue reading

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Trust Where Your Money is Spent

Our second part of this series is focused on milk.  Consumers are at risk of buying this product that has been watered down and then melamine added to increase the protein content which will hide the dilution.  Adulteration of milk is common enough to make it the second most common product subject to adulteration in the U.S. Pharmacopeial Conventions’s Food Fraud Database. In 2008, there was a scandal from China with powdered milk  that killed 6 infants and made hundreds of thousands consumers sick. With more of this happening abroad, you will … Continue reading

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Getting Your Money’s Worth with Olive Oil

We all work hard to make ends meet with our budgets. It is alarming to read about food frauds that either waste our money and in some cases put our family’s health in danger. I read an article from Smart Money and wanted to share with you the  eight largest frauds on products that we as consumers frequently purchase. When you do go looking for deal, please take note that there are fraudulent items to watch out for. Part 1 concerns olive oil. This product is the most subject to fraud. The Journal of Food Sciences study … Continue reading

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Sunday Budget Tip # 9

Cash advances come in handy when you need some extra money on those off pay weeks. The better you keep your budget on target, the sturdier your financial future will be. Sunday Budget Tips are written for the sole purpose as to offer ideas on how to save money to create or support a healthier budget. They are not a “one size fits all”, as we all have our own personal situations and life styles. Tip # 9 We all have those days when having time or energy to make … Continue reading

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Prom Costs for your Son

It’s that time of year again, the kids are getting ready for the prom. A night to promise a lifetime of memories. If you have a son, it may not cost as much to get him dressed for the evening, but the boys end up shelling out a great deal of money for the whole night experience. Some young men have jobs that help cut those costs, others have great parents who will hand out the money to make the night special. A cash advance is a good source of … Continue reading

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Planning Your Future Money

When is a good time to start thinking about retirement? Now is a great place to start. With a cash advance, you can get an appointment set up right away without missing out on any previously scheduled payments. Hiring a financial adviser to help plan out your retirement, a child’s higher education costs, or just keeping your taxes in your favor whether it be maximized refund or minimized liabilities, will be a good investment. Learning about options that take money out of your paycheck before taxes so you have the least amount of monetary loss per pay … Continue reading

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Sunday Budget Tip #8

A cash advance is one solution, but Sunday Budget Tip #8 is a way of life.   Tip#8 When you are grocery shopping, knowing how to read the pricing labels can save you money. The tag attached to the shelf will list the unit price for the items. It is good to compare how much items are per unit to know which one is the better deal. I have found that some sale items are good, but when I look closer, another packaged size still ends up being less expensive. … Continue reading

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