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Tag Archives: low cost cash advance

Financial Goals Do Not Need To Include A Cash Advance

What are your financial goals? Are you looking to get away from needing a cash advance? Would you like to be credit card debt free? How would you use a budget to help achieve these goals? Before you can even start working on these goals, take a good look at where your finances are now and begin to think about what sacrifices can be made in the process. How can you break your cash advance reliance? Focus on one or two objectives at a time. Unless you have lots of money to be spread out across many areas, … Continue reading

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Many Lessons To Learn From A Cash Advance Lender’s Wrong Doings

Did you know that cash advance lenders are required to be fair to consumers? It’s an off-the-cuff question which may get some people to laugh others to say “well, yeah” and get some to start thinking about the practices they encountered when they took out a short-term loan. Some people are totally unaware of what goes on behind the business practices of a lending company. Choosing to do business with a lender that shows visible signs of poor practices becomes a foolish decision on the borrower’s part. When such practices are recognized they should … Continue reading

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Does Dining Out Lead Your Budget To A Cash Advance?

Eating out is one expense that most of us cannot cut completely out of the budget. It is estimated that American households spend over $2,500 each year eating out. If this is true for my situation, I could have been on my way to being debt free. I wonder how many households are still paying their credit card bills or cash advances needed in order to support these meals? Budget to keep cash advances out. I am trying to think about how many times I use my credit card when I do decide to … Continue reading

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Is Your Credit Card and Cash Advance Debt Steering You Towards Bankruptcy?

Are you counting on a bankruptcy to knock off your credit card, cash advance, student loans, and medical debt? Once upon a time, declaring bankruptcy was a fairly easy process, but it is no longer true. As tough as a decision to file for bankruptcy is, the process is now longer and more complicated than it was just a few years ago. This financial solution is an option in which a person is not advised to do alone; retaining a lawyer would be the best route to take. The price … Continue reading

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Avoid A Cash Advance and Use Student Loans Wisely To Build Credit

Young adults are being bombarded with warnings. Avoid a cash advance, don’t use credit cards, limit student loans but build your credit to help assist future finances. We all know that eventually car loans and/or a home mortgage will come around. In order to have good credit, we have to have credit and then manage it wisely. What does a young adult do when just getting started out on their own? The sooner a person can start building credit, the better. Obtaining credit and ruining it simultaneously will not protect the future needs. Good … Continue reading

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A Pawn Shop Offers A Different Kind of Cash Advance

Have you walked into a pawn shop lately? The visitor numbers are up and it isn’t just people needing a quick buck who are walking through the door. It isn’t just the cash advance and payday loan businesses seeing an influx of customers, secured pawn shop loans are seeing an increase in merchandise for sale which reflects how negatively the loans are panning out. How are pawn shop loans different from a cash advance? They may both be no credit bureau check money opportunities when there is a desperate need for quick cash, but … Continue reading

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How Fast Can The Cash Advance Grow? Watch Out For Additional Charges

You hear about a cash advance being expensive, but have you ever really looked at what gets charged and how much it affects your finances? Let’s take a look at an average cash advance where the borrower received $200. Most cash advance loan terms average two weeks. On average, a short-term loan company will try to schedule a payoff around your next paycheck or on average 14 days later. Due dates are set around direct deposits to help promote authentic payments. When a company debits the bank account it helps … Continue reading

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Reevaluate A Cash Advance To Pay Taxes

Are you worried about getting the money to pay your taxes? The deadline is getting closer with few options available to make good on your tax liability. There is an extension to file the paperwork, but the IRS still wants it’s money on time. Tax time is a stressful time for many, as they try to come up with a cash advance or loans in order to make the payments. Both the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit offer much relief to middle and lower income households. These credits not only lower the amount owed, … Continue reading

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How Would Your Child Handle A Cash Advance?

How do you teach your children about money? Do they request a cash advance on their allowance because their wants outweigh their weekly earnings? The better question her would be, do you give them the advance? Planting the financial awareness seed early on is what helps to build their financial future. Does your child get a cash advance just for asking? If your child receives money each week, yet continues to overspend, what lesson gets taught by handing out extra or an advance on their next allowance? My mom used to joke about the … Continue reading

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Cash Advance Lenders Are Not The Exclusive Quick Banking Opportunity

Online banking is surging with new ideas. The cash advance lenders who adopted no-fax loans discovered that customers appreciated the now simpler application process. Folks are continuing to take advantage of the continuing advancement of new age banking opportunities. Cash advance lenders have fast money competition. The most recent advancement in online banking is offered up to those with smartphones. Phone applications for certain banks can be downloaded. With a few minutes spent on uploading verifying information. People will now take fewer trips to the bank. Remote deposit capture is a fancy … Continue reading

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