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What Is Steering People to Payday Loan Usage?

There are many borrowers who know that payday loans are not the most ideal way to get extra cash, but they still use them. Those who have never used the short term loans or swore that they would never do it, are looking for online short-term payday loans to help them get out of a jam. With all the bad publicity that for these small loans, why is it that people continue to use them so frequently? Opposers would say that consumers get trapped into using these loans over and over in order to pay them off. The lender is not the cause of the initial loan.

What would steer someone towards obtaining a payday loan online?

When there are problems with credit and general budgeting maintenance, troubles arise when extra cash is needed. Spending more than the income is one trouble which many Americans have. The fast answer is to then use credit cards, but that it creates other troubles.

In order to use more traditional lenders, credit histories need to be free from problems. These financial institutions check credit scores looking for any type of money problem and then use them as an excuse to deny your application or charge you more in interest. There are many different things these lenders are looking for.

  • Bankruptcy a major financial foul to new creditors or lenders. It is a legal declaration that states the person was insolvent with their debt. This stays on your credit report for ten years. If yo are able to pay a portion of your debt, then you will be required to file Chapter 13. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy dismisses all debt, but is much harder to qualify for. There is a new law which requires all applicants to receive credit counseling before filing for bankruptcy.
  • Foreclosures are also bad news to potential lenders. When you have had to go through a legal proceeding in order for a creditor to take possession of property which was put up as collateral. It is proof that you defaulted on a loan.
  • Garnishment is also proof that the applicant is a risky lender. The employer receives a request to garnish wages and will go through payroll to have part of the debtors paycheck paid towards the debt. The garnishment will remain until the debt is paid in full or a court order stops it.
  • A judgment to pay off a debtor is a court order. This could be a lien on property if requested by the creditor.
  • A lien is a creditor’s claim against property in order to secure that there will be repayment for outstanding debt.
  • Repossession of collateral in order to pay the loan in default.

It is all bad news to a potential lender except a direct lender for online payday loans. The money is usually only a few hundred dollars and the term of the loan averages about 14 days. These lenders will not go searching through your credit report, but will instead look at your bank account to make sure you are not over-drafting on your account and that you have steady income. This is most often proven with direct deposits. Responsible lenders like will also look to make sure an applicant does not have excessive payday loan debt already.

It takes a responsible lender and borrower to make any kind of third money transaction successful.

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