Payday loan companies have been given bad reviews because some payday loan businesses have bad business practices. Really bad. Many have disconnected phone numbers or have phones that go unanswered. If a customer has a question or concern, where do they go to contact the online company? What happens if the fees promised end up changing without notice? What do you do with a problem?
Spotya! does it right. The phone number works and the calls are answered. On the other end of the line you will find a professional caring team member ready to answer your questions and provide you with assistance to take care of your concerns. The knowledgeable staff will explain the services being provided and will help assist you through the qualification and loan process.
Trying to find an honest mechanic or someone to come into your home for renovations is based on word of mouth as well as the feeling you get when discussing business prospects with them. It’s the same with online companies. Talking to people gives a feeling of how the business is run and what kind of people are behind it.
Spotya! Payday Loans is special because it cares about servicing its customers. Take some time and get to know the company. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.