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Reporting A Payday Loan Lender And Other Businesses

Where do you go when you have a problem with a payday loan lender? If you believe that your payday loan lender is not using best practices, attaching undisclosed fees, or abusing your rights as they try to collect on the loan, you will want to report the company. Give a call to the District Attorneys’ office and explain your situation. If there is enough information to press charges, this office will be the office to do so.

It is not just payday loan lenders being reported.

If you feel that your rights have been compromised with a retailer, this problem will also be directed to the District Attorney’s office. The consumer protection section of the office will work with you to handle the complaints. Most often, the disputes will be handles by a resolution team. It is best practice to contact them first, and they will direct you towards the proper channels. Do call! Letting a retailer get away with unfair practices will not help the others from having similar things happen.

Is your problem with a bank or credit union? The state you live in will have a Bureau of Financial Institution (BFI), which is a division of the state’s Corporation Commission. Go to the BFI website and find your financial institution to know which agency regulates that particular financial institution. You will also find educational materials on various topics such as mortgage lenders, payday loan lenders and debt counseling.

Having problems with contractors, architects, builders, cosmetologist, real-estate agents or any other board-certified professional? Contact the Compliance and Investigation Division which is part of the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation. This department processes licenses and will log complaints with the power to revoke licenses but not to collect fees and are limited to recovering costs.

The State Corporation Commission will regulate land-line phones, energy services and utility rates. Wireless phones are regulated by a different department, the Division of Communications works with the major wireless businesses.

There is even a Bureau of Insurance which falls under the State Corporation Commission’s umbrella will help steer the caller into the right direction. This bureau will help investigate claims pertaining to health, auto, life and homeowner’s insurances.

Before you file a complaint with any agency:

Get all your documentation possible on the problem, your communication with the business and make sure there are dates and times on any of it. In the documentation, you will want to be clear on who you talked to, what was discussed and when it happened. If any emails or letters were sent have the originals, but make copies to ensure the safety of them.

Communication is a big part of handling a problem. When discussing a problem with a business, avoid a conversation if one or more parties is unable to keep it professional. Use letter or email format which helps document the problems and how it is addressed appropriately.

Spotya! online payday loan lender promotes responsible business practices. When it comes to your money, you will want to work with a business that has your interests in mind. If you stay quiet, when you have been treated unfairly,you will only give the company a chance to do it again to someone else.


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