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payday loans online

Cash Advance: Easy and Fast When In A Crunch

It goes almost without saying that you will most likely consider what your options are when looking for a quick cash advance. It is, after all, the smart thing to do. On the flip side, though, you might want to pause for a while just to know what a cash advance is all about. What can it do for you? How soon can you have it processed? These are good examples of the questions you should ask yourself before applying for a quick cash advance. A cash advance or an … Continue reading

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Are There Different Types of Payday Loans?

The payday loans have evolved, and payday lenders have gone from storefront stores to providing payday loans online. With the latest technologies, things change so fast––– it’s tough to keep up. Who would have ever believed that we would be applying for a payday loan on our smartphones and having quick cash in our account the next day? Who knows where it will go next? During these changing times, direct lenders have evolved not only to keep up with technology but to also keep up with the needs of their … Continue reading

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Rewards Program Or Debt Traps?

We’ve all heard the reason, ‘debt-traps,’ the phrase is often used as an excuse for someone being debt and a budget that’s out of control. These traps are frustrating, destructive, and are often harder than quicksand to escape. The most challenging task in trying to put an end to these problems, but the first step is admitting to being part of the problem. A debt-trap begins with the consumer who overuses or even abuses third party money. Companies make it easy with enticing offers, but we learn to say no. … Continue reading

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5 Ways To Avoid Peer Pressure In Our Personal Finances

Keeping up with the Jones can have a serious impact on our personal finances. We like what we like, but we also want what our friends like. Financial peer pressure is painful when a friend persuades you to spend more than you have. It isn’t always shopping, but trips to movies, eating out, and going to clubs that keep our wallet in a tailspin. We have to decide to spend less and never utilize credit cards to keep up with social status. It’s hard to stay home when everyone you … Continue reading

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Louisiana Seeks to Place Payday Loans On The Chopping Block

Payday loans are often in the news. It isn’t surprising to hear of bad debt stories, lawsuits against predatory companies, or state legislatures working to control the reigns of the payday loan industry. Louisiana is currently working within their communities to take fast cash loans off the table altogether. The Government Is Looking Into Louisiana Payday Loans The Government feels that it is time to take this alternative money option away from its citizens. People within the state take an average of over four loans each year. Considering the fact … Continue reading

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How Can I Cut My Housing Costs to Fit My Budget?

You may have tried to cut corners throughout the month in order to make your budget more productive. It gets tiring when no matter what you do, it seems like there is never enough money left to pay the bills. Your total monthly costs are just too close to your actual income. A budget will not survive on bare-bones alone. Living paycheck to paycheck does not leave room for any unplanned expenses. You can only skimp so far on groceries, fuel, and utilities. Depending on how much you need to … Continue reading

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4 Tips to Dodge Credit Card Mishaps

Dodge ball is a popular playground activity. At a young age, we learn to watch the player with the ball. There is a competitive skill in watching the thrower select a target, take aim, and throw. The good players know when the ball is coming their way and step away as quickly as they can. The players who get hit with the ball, (you know the ones who are always out first in the game), either don’t pay attention to the ball, lose focus in the high-speed game or simply … Continue reading

Posted in Personal Finance |

Tips to Lower Your Monthly Transportation Budget Costs

Do you scratch your head in wonder trying to figure out how much more you can cut out of the budget? With all of the different budget categories, there are many areas to take into consideration. It’s always best to focus on one particular area in order to achieve quality results. In this post, I will focus on ways to cut back and cut out transportation costs. Your lifestyle will also play an important role in how much you pay each month. What kind of car you like vs. what … Continue reading

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Warm Your Budget While Cooling Off Utility Costs

Looking to cool your house off this summer? Wanting to stay warm in the winter? Temperatures will skyrocket to triple digits or stumble below freezing. There are ways you can help keep your utility payments under control. Money management moves beyond the checkbook and bank account and into practical living. Cutting back does not always mean that you have to give up on your lifestyle. A money-smart household will efficiently help you decrease your utility budget. Cooling And Heating Budget Fight off cooling and heating costs by properly insulating your … Continue reading

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