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Spotya jumps on board to Go Green!

Last week we started our company’s van pool. Hip, Hip Hooray! Go Green!

We moved into a new, bigger office about a month ago. A lot of us, including the boss, commuted 50-60 miles to work each day. There were about 9 of us trekking in 5 different vehicles, spending some big money each week for fuel. Figuring we were spending too much in gas, we decided to get together and do something. We called around for our options. We decided that our best option was to start a van pool – using our boss’ van. All of us were on board.

Can you imagine how much money we are all going to save? Can you imagine how much fuel we’re saving our world? With this seemingly little effort, we got 4 cars off the road. Less fuel, less air pollution and now we can have some quality time together.

For more ways to Go Green, check this website: And if you have any good advice or suggestions so we can make difference in this effort, send us a comment. We’d love to hear what you or your company does.

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