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Sunday Budget Tip #1

We made it back to Sunday! It is the start of the new week once more and an official start to Sunday’s budget tips. I am no financial expert, but I do strive to to better my budget like most people do. These tips are suggestions and by no means will they work for everyone for there is no one size fits all when it comes to finances. We all have different variables working with our personalized budgets. Here at Spotya! Payday Loans, we are in hopes that maybe we will be able to help either through a payday loan for fast cash or in getting our readers to think more about improving their own budgets.


Take a look at some past budgets. Did you have some months that worked for you ? Ask yourself why they worked. Was there a month that didn’t work? Find out why. Make two columns from the money paid out. One column for, “things my household needs to survive” and the second for “other”. Study those two columns and try to find an area or two that you can cut back. See if that saved cost can be put in the needs column or even add to a savings account.

Include the whole family in a discussions bout needs and wants. Your kids may surprise you and come up with some suggestions themselves. At least it will start their thinking towards life long learning about money and budgets. As always, I welcome any suggestion you may have and will include it in future weeks. It’s all about helping each other and bringing a balance to our finances.

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