When you are looking to obtain a cash advance, knowing the company, how things work and what their policies are can all be found out through a phone call. Dial the number and all it does is ring? Move on to the next number. Have someone answer and cannot or avoid answering your questions? Move on to the next number. The person on the other end of the line answers your questions while steering you back to the application page? Move on to the next number.
When you are dealing with financial institutions, know that there are people in different positions and talking to the right one will give you the answers you need.
Who works at a bank?
- A customer service representative will help you with your account: answer general question, open an account, explain the bank services, provide written information for bank policies or refer you to a person who can help you further.
- A bank teller will help you make transactions with your account: cash checks, make deposits, answer account questions or refer you to someone who will help you further.
- A loan officer will accept loan application, answer questions, provide written handouts explaining loan products or even help you fill out the application.
- The branch manager supervises the bank operations and will help with any problems or answer questions which other employees cannot.
Know who you are going to see once you get to the bank. It will save you time from standing in one line when you should have been in another.
Online cash advances and payday loans are different.
There is no face to face contact, so phone conversations are important. Speaking to the right person is also just as important. It will save time and headache.
- An online cash advance or payday loan service representative will usually be the first person who answers the phones. This person will answer questions pertaining to how a payday loan works as well as how you can get one. You can be pre-approved for a loan meaning you meet the basic requirements for the company (this is neither a final approval nor a promise that you will be approved). You will be referred to another person if questions cannot be answered here.
- A loan specialist will work on verifying application information. This person will approve or reject a loan application. The cash advance specialist will refer a caller to another person if unable to answer a question.
- A collections agent will contact a borrower with payment problems. This agent will also be able to make payment arrangements for special circumstances. This person will refer a caller if unable to solve their problem.
- The office manager will answer oversee the office workers and answer unsolved problems or concerns.
The more professional the office is run, the more reassurance that the company is legitimate and has a consumer’s best interests in mind. Spotya! Online Cash Advance is a responsible lender with a trained professional staff to help solve any customer’s problem or will offer answers to those just calling to understand a little bit more about how payday loans and direct cash advances work.