In order to solve a cash advance problem, there may need to be some critical thinking components active within the household budget. By the time a person is at a point where cash advances are used, there tends to be more debt and possible budget problems elsewhere. Cash advances tend not to be the cause of a financial problem, but are often the last piece of straw which breaks the camel’s back.
Critical thinking approach to solve cash advance reliance
Critical thinkers often approach problems with an open mind and a self-motivated ambition to solve the problem. It all starts by identifying a problem. Debt problems are pretty clear to most people, but what one does with that knowledge will make a difference. It takes dedication and hard work to clear out debt problems, so those who take their thinking into the critical level will have a better plan of action once the problem has been analyzed.
Analyzing debt problems may seem quite tedious. Who wants to count pennies and be accountable for every cent earned and spent? Until a person applies possible solutions within their budgeted areas, there will be no change. Possible steps which could be taken may be to increase income or cut down expensive life style choices. Once the application process has been set into action then analysis can be performed. Budget analysis would require a person to keep a record of past monthly budgets and compare the current one to watch how the new strategies are affecting this month’s budgeted allotments.
Extremists or those who just jump right into this approach to solve budget problems may start making charts or coloring in pie graphs to display and compare changes which occur. Double bar graphs would nicely compare previous months to current finances. Analyzing these graphs give a critical thinker opportunity to identify what is or what is not working with their applied measures to regain control of their income. This moves us into synthesizing, an in depth evaluation of how the solution is taking form. Once we hit the end of the month and evaluate all the efforts, we may identify a problem as solved or head back to the drawing board to analyze the budget again.
It all sounds so scientific and dry, but critical thinking does work. Just look at all the medical improvements over the years. These results do not fall into a person’s lap after producing one thought. Budgeting is complicated for some people. The determination it takes to solve problems and control key factors is what makes budgeting so difficult. Credit cards and cash advances allow people to use them to live beyond their means without thinking about the true cost of purchased items once the money is paid back.
Critical thinking is a self-guided, self-disciplined thinking that a failing budget needs in order to recover from out-of-control debt. Some people will need to seek out help in order to get started or to have someone to be accountable to. When there is someone watching over your results, there may be added motivation to make your attempts successful. Do what you can to solve the problem. Identify that there is a problem with cash advances and/or credit cards and begin to apply ways to solve your financial problem.