It is instilled in our heads from an early age, that when there is an emergency you dial 911. Where do you go for a cash flow emergency? There are many problems than can cause a budget to need some emergency cash. Wouldn’t it be great if there was such a thing as a money tree? My mom used to joke about money trees when we were young. Every time my brothers and I asked for stuff we really didn’t need, she would answer that the next time she picked from the money tree we would get it. We learned quickly not to ask for those items again.
An easy way to get some extra cash is through a cash advance. Having an online cash advance lender works even better since you can get the money you need right from your home. Not a money tree, but still a convenient source of money. There still needs to be a line drawn between needs and wants. My moms message to us not only included that there was no room for those kinds of extras in our budget right now, but also that there are other things more important to take care of first. Needs and wants are defined in the eyes of the beholder, and money spent wisely makes budgets run more smoothly.