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A Cash Advance Is Simple To Obtain, But Not A Credit Score

It should be simple to obtain a free credit score, right? I wish it was. When I went to track my financial situation, I could obtain free copies of the report, but the actual credit score was a different scenario. It is good to know the actual credit score. It would help me determine what financial help would be available to me.  A cash advance company does not seek out the score to determine approval, but credit card companies live and breathe by these figures.

A cash advance is a no credit bureau check loan.

When I do find out my own score, I will have a better idea whether or not a creditor will approve me, what my interest rate may look like or if I should just take the no credit bureau check route of a cash advance online. The three credit bureaus offer free access to the actual report once every 12 months. The report lists out the good, the bad and any ugly reports on your credit history. If I went bad on a loan or kept missing payments, this report will show me what others see.

I took advantage of the credit report and read through the listed information. I checked for errors and acknowledged dates. The data tells me when the problems occurred and when I can look forward to the reports falling off the report. As crushing as the report may look, I know that if I keep my finances clear of any more problems, I have hope for a more secure financial future in a few years.

When I tried to find my score, it was not listed anywhere on the report itself. I had to sign up with the bureau’s credit service and order my score. There was a free seven day trial offer after I enter  credit card information. Once signed up, it was pretty easy to order my score and within seconds, I was able to see my actual score from this particular credit bureau. My score was better than I anticipated, but still was not looking pretty. I have some more work to do.

So there I was signed up for a $16 per month service, when all I wanted was a peek at my score. I was mighty grateful that there was a free 7 day trial for the service. Yes, I did it, I cancelled the service day 4 into the free trial. It took me some time and a phone call into the customer service department to find out where on the webpage I could cancel the serviced.  It was easy to cancel once I found out where to go. The instructions were found on a customer service automated message. I guess this means that I was not the only person who could not find it on my own.

I’m sure that there are many who forget to cancel or give up after not finding the cancellation page on their own. I wonder how many people end up paying for the monthly service without using it? Good news! Earlier in the month, there were bills presented to the House and the Senate which would give consumers free access to their credit score once a year. It makes me feel good to know that there are some efforts being made to help consumers.

I know where I stand. I still have two other credit bureau reports to use to recheck my situation. I will keep tabs on my credit report throughout the year. For now, I will work hard to keep cash advances out of my budget and continue to pay my bills on time without making new ones.

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