When looking for quick cash advance loans, it is important to seek out a company that will be handling your loans directly. These companies are called direct lenders. The application you fill out is processed through their loan managers and if approved, they will schedule the money to be deposited into your bank account.
Before you fill out any information, it is most important that you call the lender and ask questions about their service. Do some comparative shopping in order to find the most reasonable interest rate while still dealing with a direct lending company. By putting this extra effort into finding a good company, not only are you going to save money from lower interest fees and avoid hidden costs, but also protect you from predatory companies.
Responsible direct lenders of cash advance loans will not unjustly collect hidden costs.
There is a concern which comes from those who don’t understand the difference between a best cash advance loan lender and a predatory one. Read below to discover some of the main differences.
A responsible direct lender
*Will handle your application securely without taking advantage of the access it now has on file for your bank account.
*Will evaluate your application and base the loan approval on several factors. Some of the more important ones being: how your bank account displays your money management skills, past history with other short-term loan lenders, your monthly take-home income and whether or not they can verify the information you filled out on the application.
*Even if the responsible direct lender refuses your loan application they may offer to help you find a lender that will be able to help you at NO CHARGE.
Predatory lenders
*Some of these companies are direct lenders and will not respect the boundaries of having your personal information. They may debit your account $30 just for accepting the loan without any promise of approval. Call every company you plan on applying with prior to sending it in.
*Call the companies’ telephone numbers and find out if they are truly a direct lender. If not, ask about their service and how much it costs.
*Predatory lenders may not have working telephone numbers. If you do reach customer service, they may not be interested in answering any questions until they receive your application and will not volunteer to divulge many hidden costs.
There are also fraudulent companies. Ones that front themselves as a professional money service but will only collect fees without ever giving you the loan. Once one of these services obtains access to your bank account, there could potentially be continuous deductions for various reasons without ever providing the loan relief promised.
Take the initiative to protect yourself. Find responsible cash advance loan lenders in order to protect your bank account. Check out their social media accounts. Look through their website. See if the company you are about to do business with cares about people or just money. The more you know about the cash advance online lender prior to your initial call, the more you will be able to interpret the way their company does business.